Lauren Cummings NIL
Lauren Cummings NIL Name, Image and Likeness

Opportunities to Partner with Lauren Cummings

A NIL Deal is a Partnership with businesses, and brands that allow an opportunity to help financially or with in-kind payment such as merchandise, gift cards, discounts or apparel.

Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) is a term that describes the ability through which College Athletes are allowed to receive Financial Compensation off themselves. NIL refers to the use of an athlete’s Name, Image, and Likeness through Marketing, Advertising and Promotions. This may include Autograph Signings, appearances, Product Endorsements, social media posts, Speaking Engagements and more.

Don’t think it’s not for you.

NIL for Business

NIL Helps the Businesses that sponsor athletes.

College Athletes can bring in a whole New Wave of Customers, while creating a Deepened Connection with your Brand on Social Media in your Community and Marketplace. Athletes are like Celebrities in their College Towns, with their online Followers and in their Home States. NIL Partnership establishes a symbiotic relationship that Benefits Both Sides with numerous Positive Opportunities for Your Business.

  • Attract New Customers

  • Create a Community Objective

  • Capitalize on Influencer Marketing

  • Increase your Brand Growth

  • Brand Loyalty and Returning Customers

  • Real People are More Likely to Trust Authentic Voices

  • Overall Promotion

  • Added Revenue and Value

  • Incorporate Your Product into Athletes Lifestyle

  • Expand on Creative Ways to Market Your Business

  • Opportunities are Endless

Relationships are Everything!

A sponsorship is a relationship at its foundation.

Lauren Cummings J and S Transport NIL

“More exposure, and publicity is never bad!”

Athletes strive to block out the 4 Poisons of the Mind (Fear, Confusion, Hesitation and Surprise) in order to be Successful.

Don’t miss out on a Great Opportunity by being clouded by your own:

  1. Fear - Where do we start? How do we find the right athlete? Do they align with our audience and brand?

  2. Confusion- What is an NIL? How can we benefit? How does it work?

  3. Hesitation- Wait too long and you will miss out on a great opportunity. Endorsing athletes before they attain fame and massive levels of recognition could fetch endorsers a better contract price.

  4. Surprise-The competition has already started getting involved in NILs. Why did we not look into this? Wow, that is a great idea!




Lauren Cummings Red Lodge Pizza Co. NIL

By Supporting up-and-coming Leaders like myself, your Business will also directly Benefit and bring along numerous Positive Opportunities.

Any Business, of Any Size and in Any Industry can find good reasons to Get Involved.

Whether you Genuinely want to Help Student-Athletes, your University, or support an Athletic Program, a NIL Partnership will allow your Business to Thrive while Publicizing your organization’s products or services which in turn will Increase Revenue.

Consumers want to be a part of the NIL Market and Brand Loyalty is even Stronger when there is a Connection to Athletes, Sports and Universities. These Connections Create an Irresistible Pull toward the Brand or Product.

“Sports Unite Our Community

More Than Ever!”

Businesses that wait too long, miss out on the opportunities that other visionaries have recognized and weren’t afraid to take the chances.

Where do you want to Focus our Efforts?

  • Labor: Do you want me to work a physical labor job?

  • Marketing: Do you want me to market your brand or company?

  • Sales: Do you want me to sell goods and services for a commission?

  • Endorsement: Do you want the me to testify that I use your brand or company?

  • Memorabilia: Do you want the me to autograph goods to make them more valuable?

  • Coaching: Do you want me to use my intellectual property, background and ability to improve the performance of your brand, people or company?

Let’s maximize the FUN in NIL, the potential is limitless!

Lauren Cummings Canes NIL

NIL creates an Opportunity for college Athletes to Learn important Life Skills such as Entrepreneurship, Financial Management, and Marketing, by taking control of Creating a Brand for themselves. NIL Student Athletes are gaining Experience in Business Communication, Networking opportunities and experience in the Industry before graduating. These Business Connections will help them find a path toward their Career Choice and create Opportunities after college. Partnerships are a great Community Investment not just in the Present but in the Future.

Take advantage of a NIL Partnership today and keep your Brand Relevant by reaching Different Demographics and Audiences. It allows you to reach younger audiences and make sure that you Continue to Evolve.

Lauren Cummings Surf

Influencer Marketing is on the Rise

and NIL is the next Big Wave!

Come Ride with Me!

My NIL Brands Spotlight

Use Code: Lauren10